GIST is short for Geographic Information Science and Technology and is one of the most versatile degrees on offer today. As the name suggests, GIST is a specialized tech field that is focused on gathering, analyzing, and reporting on data to do with the physical geography of our surroundings. Perhaps the most prominent example of GIST in action is the GPS technology that now exists in all our phones and we largely take for granted.
Online degrees are making many subjects like GIST, which would otherwise be considered fairly niche, available to a wide audience for a reasonable amount of money. The online gist degree opens the doors to a variety of career paths in the private, public and charitable sectors. An online geographic information science and technology degree is a perfect option for those who are either looking to transfer out of an existing career path or embark upon their very first one.
The Common Career Paths for the Student of Geographic Information Science and Technology infographic was provided by the University of Southern California.