Arias met with Paraguayan President Federico Franco, at the presidential residence Mburuvicha Roga.
Arias, a two-time president of Costa Rica (1986-1990 and 2006-2010) was appointed by the Secretary General of the OAS (Organization of American States), José Miguel Insulza, as head of the Electoral Observation Mission and political accompaniment of the agency in Paraguay.
This visit is intended to “facilitate a process of national political dialogue and prepare to install the Electoral Observation Mission ahead of elections of April 21, 2013,” according to the OAS said in a statement on Thursday.
Next year’s election will be announcing Franco’s successor, former vice-president who took over the Presidency on 22 June, following the ousting of Fernando Lugo in a controversial impeachment in Congress.
During his visit, Arias, the Nobel Peace Prize winner for 1987, also plans to meet with officials of the Legislative, Judicial, Electoral Court of Justice, with political leaders and representatives of civil society organizations and media.
The Costa Rica news (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica