Mr. Carlos Alvarado Quesada. President of Costa Rica
Dr. Daniel Salas Peraza. Health Minister
Dr. Román Macaya Hayes. Executive President of the CCSS
Dear Sirs:
Costa Rica today faces the worst health crisis in its history. Against this background, the country must spare no effort to combat this emergency in the most expeditious and comprehensive way possible. In the face of a crisis of such magnitude, all options for its containment should be on the table. Therefore, the position of the undersigned is as follows:
We Request Respectful, But Vehementally, to the Ministry of Health and the Costa Rican Social Security Fund, to add to their commendable efforts against the Pandemic, an investigation aimed at answering this request, related to the use of chlorine dioxide. An investigation in this direction is urgent, due to the following reasons:
1- According to abundant bibliographic information, news and multiple testimonies, in many countries, including ours, chlorine dioxide is being used with impressive success both in the prevention and cure of COVID-19.
2- As the contagion spiral accelerates, more people will desperately look for this alternative to feel safer, and it is the Ministry of Health, the entity that by law is responsible for defining whether a treatment is appropriate and how to use it.
3- If what is said is true, Costa Rica could avoid an economic catastrophe and rather become a beacon of knowledge and abundance worldwide, in addition, we could save the tourism industry.
We file this petition in compliance with article 27 from the Political Constitution of Costa Rica, which guarantees the freedom of petition, individually or collectively, to any public official or official entity, and the right to obtain a prompt resolution. Likewise, in article 24 of the Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, which establishes that “everyone has the right to submit respectful petitions to any competent authority, whether for reasons of general interest or of private interest, and that of obtaining a prompt resolution”.
We call on the authorities to respond to this request through an investigation carried outside the official protocols of the World Health Organization, since said entity already has a publicly recognized position against the use of chlorine dioxide, without having provided scientific evidence to justify it said rejection. Likewise, we urge the health authorities not to be fooled by the professionals who seek to confuse us, following the well-known strategy of equating chlorine with chlorine dioxide, since they are totally different.
We clarify at the outset that we do not feel to be the owners of a truth regarding this issue, but we do see that it is most convenient for our health authorities to discover that truth, for the good of the population.
We do not promote intake or sell any product or possible cure protocol, and we are only moved by the desire to know with all scientific certainty, whether or not it is true that chlorine dioxide has been successful in cases of COVID-19, and if this is the case without side effects, as many doctors point out, or if rather those who are consuming it put their lives at imminent risk.
We know that there is an international influx so that this topic is not properly investigated because it would affect the great interests of powerful corporations. Costa Rica and its health authorities must carry out an investigation devoid of influences of all kinds.
We appeal to the independence that we have as a nation, to investigate this treatment on our own and reach our own conclusions as soon as possible in an impartial and transparent way. And warn that our authorities may incur responsibility, due to the lack of due diligence against unnecessary deaths in Costa Rica, due to the delay in responding in the most expeditious and effective way possible to this call.
Likewise, we remind you that according to the provisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, for the right to petition to be effective, it must include a timely, coherent, complete and detailed response on the matters indicated in the petition, regardless of whether it is favorable or not to the requested. (Kaliña and Lokono v. Suriname case, para. 246).
Being this, we ask that the following actions be carried out as quickly and transparently as possible, before the collapse of our health system:
1- Make a bibliographic review to verify whether or not it is true that chlorine dioxide has been shown to be effective for the cure of some diseases, including COVID-19, which has been patented for this purpose in Europe and the United States and has already registered as a medicine for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. If so, check to see if that means you don’t have any major side effects.
2- Check if it is true or not that it is patented and is used on a mandatory basis to eliminate AIDS in blood bags for transfusion since 1994; what if there are or are not studies to verify if it can do the same in the human body. In such case, identify the reasons why it was not done.
3- Accept the challenge made by the chemical engineer, Rolando Araya Monge, in the media, to investigate what happens if chlorine dioxide is added to a container with blood infected with COVID-19, which is relative simplicity and at a low cost.
4- Verify whether or not it is true that on March 26 the Association of Regenerative Medicine of Costa Rica, made up of medical professionals duly incorporated into its professional association and other experienced health professionals, sent a letter to the highest authorities companies in the country, proposing the complementary use of regenerative medicine treatments in COVID-19 patients, including chlorine dioxide, and which to date have received no response.
The letter was addressed to the CCVS Inter-institutional Logistics Area COVID-19, in charge of coordinating all actions against the Coronavirus, with a copy to the Minister of Health, Mr. Daniel Salas Peraza and Dr. Román Macaya Hayes, Executive President of the CCSS. If yes, resolve such request as soon as possible.
5-Communicate with Dr. Mauricio Quiñonez Mendoza, president of the Association of Ecuadorian Doctors in Integrative Medicine, to verify whether or not the success of his first preclinical trial to cure is true, in just four days and without side effects, at over a hundred people infected with COVID-19.
6- Contact Enrique Leaño, director of Sedes Chuquisaca, Bolivia, to verify if it is true or not that chlorine dioxide is being used there, with great success and without side effects, in the package of medications, for the purpose to prevent symptomatic and asymptomatic people from requiring hospitals.
7- Contact Germaín Caballero, mayor of San José de Chiquitos, Bolivia, to verify whether or not it is true that chlorine dioxide is being used with great success in the city hall, to cure people infected with COVID-19, no side effects. Likewise, verify whether or not it is true that the result is allowing a return to economic activity without the anticipated difficulties.
8- Contact Dr. Manuel Aparicio Alonso, from the Jurica Medical Center in Querétaro, Mexico, and verify if it is true or not that he is successfully using chlorine dioxide to cure people with COVID-19 without side effects, and that with the treatment taken by more than 60 people, improved markedly their outcome in four days, by intravenous treatment improved in just two days, that these people recovered normal oxygenation parameters in less than three hours and that all of this was making the use of respirators totally unnecessary. Also, verify whether or not it is true that the authorities closed their clinic for using chlorine dioxide, regardless of the results obtained.
9- Verify whether or not it is true that chlorine dioxide was used to eliminate deadly spores from the anthrax-producing Bacillus Anthracis of the Hart Senate Office Building in the 2001 terrorist act (United States). If so, check to see if it can be used in the same way to clean COVID-19 spaces, such as offices, stores, and entire buildings at extremely low cost and without the need for any special technology.
10- Verify whether or not it is true that Mr. Remberto Calani, from the Movement towards Socialism party, presented a bill to the Bolivian Legislative Assembly so that Bolivian laboratories are responsible for the production of chlorine dioxide in that country. If true, follow up on this initiative.
11-Communicate with Dr. Pedro Chavez, President of the World Health and Life Coalition (COMUSAV), to verify whether or not this organization, in which there are already seven countries and adding others, has already recovered more than 6,000 people from COVID-19 and is conducting a worldwide operation to prosecute doctors to use chlorine dioxide scientifically, legally and responsibly for the prevention and cure of COVID-19 based on the Declaration of Helsinki. If true, take a position on the movement and take advantage of their experience.
12- Verify whether or not it is true that the bishops of Ecuador asked President Lenin Moreno Garcés to stop persecuting doctors and small distributors of chlorine dioxide, and to authorize their use for the prevention and cure of COVID-19.
13- Contact the Colombian surgeon Dr. Eduardo Isignares to verify whether or not it is true that the necessary investigations are being carried out in that country so that the government can allow the rational and provisional use of chlorine dioxide, through a program regulated by the health authorities.
14- Know the merits of the complaint filed on April 20 with the Office of the Ombudsman of Costa Rica, contrary to what was said on April 8 in the Double Check false news verification report (University of Costa Rica). Said complaint was filed through OFFICE No. 07535-2020-DHR, on the grounds that the persons in charge of the report are protected by academic freedom.
In this report, the international strategy of identifying chlorine dioxide with chlorine was used, since it is impossible for a scientist to confuse them by mistake. Saying that Don Rolando Araya Monge promotes the use of chlorine to cure the Coronavirus, Doble Check spread false news and led some people to incur serious danger, leading them to buy chlorine to produce chlorine dioxide. We ask Double Check to make a public clarification on this matter.
To finalize this request, we inform the authorities that we will not stand idly by, waiting for their response. We will be reporting what is happening around the world in relation to this issue on the Facebook page. Who is lying to us? On that page you can find videos and links about everything said in this petition. In addition, we will be organizing those who join our movement to carry out some of the proposals that arise from their response.
Pending a prompt and fulfilled resolution:
Javier Francisco Ortiz
ID 104100734 I
In his capacity as a psychologist, anthropologist, sociologist, sexologist, holistic body therapist, digitopuncturist, kinesiologist, hypnotherapist, comprehensive balance instructor, ashtanga yoga instructor, and Tibetan yoga and meditation instructor, and the rest of the signatories.
For a Costa Rica free of the Pandemic and without any more unnecessary death!
PS: It must be clarified that the sponsorship request that appears when signing this petition is optional, that it belongs to the “Plataforma Cambio” and that all of the donated money is used to promote the collection of signatures, generating exposure of the petition.
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