
    Why We Need More Nursing Administrators in Healthcare

    Must Read

    German Carias
    I approach life as a continuous stream of opportunities for growth and learning through human interactions and personal exploration. In my quest for sharing a positive, dynamic, and nuanced perspective on world affairs, I became involved as an author for TCRN.In 2012 I was selected by Shell Oil as one of the top 25 global energy entrepreneurs.Involved in Blockchain Technology and Digital Currency since 2016.Passionate about transforming people’s lives through community CoLiving and CoWorking.

    Healthcare is at a critical stage in the United States and elsewhere around the world because, quite frankly, there is a shortage with qualified medical personnel. While every effort is being made to entice more young students into the medical profession, there won’t be enough new nurses and doctors to fill the gap at a time when we need them the most. One of the temporary fixes would be to attract a greater number of nurses progressing from an RN to MSN online because nurse administrators are well equipped to juggle staffing needs. Unfortunately, that’s what is going to have to happen until enough nurses can be trained to fill the hundreds of thousands of vacancies around the country.

    Why Promote Getting an MSN in Nursing Administration?

    Here is the problem. There is a critical shortage of nurses in hospitals, in nursing homes and even in private duty assignments. No one knows exactly what it takes to handle an overload of patients quite like a nurse because they are the front line in patient care. Doctors quickly jump in and out to do a medical assessment, prescribe treatments and do surgeries, but it is the nurse who is there with that patient the entire day. It makes sense to go from an RN to MSN online because a nurse has been on the front lines and is better able to assess where help is needed simply because they have ‘been there and done that.’ Even doctors admit that they would be at a loss to staff a hospital floor adequately because they haven’t been on that area of the battleground.

    Stepping up to the Plate More Often than Not

    During this critical shortage of nurses, nurse administrators have stepped up to the plate more times than not. It is not uncommon to see a charge nurse or a nurse administrator cover the floor in a crisis. They are, after all, Registered Nurses and although they now work in administration, they are fully licensed and qualified to do all that they did when working patient care but now they can manage an entire floor, an entire wing or an entire hospital if needs be. Some of the nation’s finest universities prepare nurse administrators for just this type of emergency! Although it is rare to see this happen, if things get much worse, nurse administrators may need to wear two hats to work. One as an administrator and one as an RN on the floor. If you think nurses get paid a lot for what they do, it’s time to think again!

    Yes, the pay is good and above average for the length of time spent in university studying for that degree. Nurses make a good income but they hold your life in their hands day after day. No amount of money can recompense nurses for all they do in patient care but one way to reward them is to give them the opportunity to advance in their career. It might be easier to let a Nurse Administrator wear two hats than to find a second person to fill the void. Are you looking for a step up in your career? If so, check out the benefit of getting an MSN  nursing administration. This one degree is worth its weight in gold so check it out. You are sorely needed.

    Resonance Costa Rica
    At Resonance, we aspire to live in harmony with the natural world as a reflection of our gratitude for life. Visit and subscribe at Resonance Costa Rica Youtube Channel
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