The Little Theatre Group invites you to attend their upcoming Halloween event, Come Dine On Me, an interactive murder mystery featuring a well-known psychopath.
The dinner will have Hannibal ‘Spector’ and a host of zany characters: Dr. Fanny Krueger, developer of the moderately successful 12 Step Program called Anthropophagi Anonymous; Valeria Punk, lead singer of the rock band Vanilla Nightmare; and famous psychic researcher, Madame Gwendolyn Apharty.
Get your name on the menu, come as you are, or as your favourite halloween character.
This is your chance to be in for the kill…but who is going to die?!
Attendance is limited to 60 people so make your reservation early and be sure to invite your friends…there is safety in numbers.
For Reservations: 8858 1446 or
Location: Bamboo Room, Tin Jo Restaurant, Calle 11 Avenida 6-8
Time: 6:30 pm
Date: Saturday, November 1st 2014
Price: C 16000 per person (includes 3 course Asian-style dinner)
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose, Costa Rica