Every August 15th, Costa Ricans celebrate with much more love and dedication to their mothers because it is their day. There are many versions of why this important date is celebrated in Costa Rica. One of them makes reference to Evangelina Solís Salvatierra.
In the first decades of the 20th century, in a public act that took place in schools, awards were given in honor of the best students. Evangina Solís felt that mothers should also be recognized, as a way of thanks and love for them.
From that moment on, the initiative was taken to celebrate all the mothers. According to this version, the idea was supported by the school ‘Nicolás Ulloa de Heredia’. Then it happened to be decreed by the National Palace of Government.
Like Evangelina, there are many more mothers in the Central American country dedicated, full of love to what they do every day and, better yet, more and more aware of the care of our planet.

María Estela Aguilar Corella was born on December 16th in San José. Currently, she is the mother of 6 children. To mention some of them: Keyna, Khrisna, Giovanny, Lasby.
Estela is an incredible woman. She was named as the best farmer in the southern zone of Costa Rica, due to her perseverance in the peasant work. There she delivers her professional beliefs, organization, and motivation. Part of all these characteristics is the inheritance of their parents (producers) with whom I work since childhood.

This exemplary mother is also an educator, an organic worker, which is why the raising of her children was in the countryside, in contact with nature.
Within the farming work, María Estela has harvested chiles, sugarcane, coffee, pineapple, and other products (all 50% organic) despite having to work on the very sterile land, which has left more learning. The coconut oil joins the specialties that Estela puts into practice and, through this, the authentic massages.

Between the vision and the mission of the work of María Estela Aguilar, we have:
-The impulse to agriculture without chemicals, social justice, local commerce, and sustainable life available to all.
-Promote sustainable nutrition within a sustainable future through the promotion of knowledge, and the practice of agriculture and the protection of the planet.
Your children, as future generations, appreciate so many teachings within the ecological concept of environmental consciousness. That is why Khrisna, Keyna, and Giovanny today are part of the great family EcoFeria Camino Real, with the initiative Free of Plastic and Pesticide.
From The Costa Rica News, we congratulate all mothers who never cease to be the most protective, loving, and hardworking ones.