
    ICE Deploys 4G network in the East and West San Jose this Month

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    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) announced the launch of Long Term Evolution networks (LTE) fourth generation (4G) broadband ultra as part of the services offered by Kolbi operator to users.

    LTE technology allows you to transmit data at speeds much higher than current mobile phones, where you can access multiple services, such as send pictures and full HD videos, online gaming between three or four people, or access online content in the cloud more smoothly, and even control smart appliances from your phone.

    “From today we will offer broadband 10-20 megs to the population, in a scheduled deployment, starting at the west of the capital, Santa Ana, Escazu and Savannah, then move on to the east, Three Rios, Santa Ana and San Pedro, “said Carlos Mecutchen, Telecommunications Manager.

    Jaime Palermo, ICE client manager, said the western sector users will have the service later this month of June, while the western sector at the end of July and the end of the year they hope that all the metropolitan area can have that service.

    Although announced the launch of 4G technology, ICE still will not release the price of the plans available to the public have since made a commercial release in the coming days.

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
    San Jose Costa Rica

    Resonance Costa Rica
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