
    Ayahuasca: How To Prepare For Your First Ceremony!

    Best Practices For Preparing For Your First Ayahuasca Ceremony!

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    Best Practices For Preparing For Your First Ayahuasca Ceremony!

    Getting To Know Ayahuasca!

    Firstly, before we begin to discuss the best ways to prepare for your first Ayahuasca trip, let’s bring everyone up to speed on what exactly is Ayahuasca.

    Ayahuasca Costa Rica

    Ayahuasca is actually two words combined: (Aya: soul, Waska: vine). Furthermore, this soul vine goes by the name of Caapi, Banisteriopsis Caapi to all the nerds. Banisteriopsis Caapi is chopped into small pieces and most often boiled with it’s dynamic partner Chacruna ( Psychotria Viridis). To clarify, these two primary ingredients are commonly used to create the entheogenic Ayahuasca brew.

    However, just as cake recipes may vary from bakery to bakery, the same is true from shaman to shaman when dealing with Ayahuasca. Also, the Chacruna leaves are wisely used in the creation of the brew, as it adds a unique psychoactive, dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Ayahuasca is traditionally used as a spiritual elixir that is known to heal emotional wounds from our past experiences.

    Ok! So, now we understand a little bit of the use and purpose of Ayahuasca, let’s discuss proper preparation and key practices that will lead you towards a successful Ayahuasca ceremony.

    Do Thorough Research About Ayahuasca!

    So, now that Ayahuasca has crossed your path and peaked your interest. Now is the time to do some investigating of this sacred elixir. Therefore, enough cannot be said about doing your thorough research before you purchase a plane ticket and venture out into the jungle to partake in a sacred healing ceremony.

    That is to say, research and study as much as you can about this powerful entheogen brew ( Ayahuasca). Read recent testimonies of the experiences of other brave souls such as yourself. Watch videos about Ayahuasca.

    Ask Relative Questions Before Your Ayahuasca Ceremony!

    Most importantly, learn as much as you can about the venue, location, and shamans that you will be in the Ayahuasca ceremony with. Certainly, it would be ideal for every participant should have some basic knowledge of the Ayahuasca ceremonial experience. Also, study the chemistry of the plants and ingredients that are typically involved. Certainly, consider if Ayahuasca is right for you at this stage in your life. Finally, here is a list of topics to study and research that will certainly grant you with vital knowledge about Ayahuasca:

    • The History Of Ayahuasca
    • The Preparation Of Ayahuasca
    • Effects Of Ayahuasca
    • Integration Practices For Ayahuasca
    • Chemistry And Pharmacology Of Ayahuasca
    • Tribal Ceremonies And The Role Of Shamans
    • Traditional Brew And Ingredients Of Ayahuasca

    What Should You Bring To A Ayahuasca Ceremony?

    A wise man once said ” If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail!”It would be a great nightmare to have traveled a great distance and find yourself unprepared. In addition, last minute shopping pre-Ayahuasca ceremony in another country is not a ideal situation. I’m sure you would agree that all of your energy should be focused on your healing. So, relax, here is a comprehensive list of everything you will need to bring for your first Ayahuasca ceremony:

    • A Journal ( For Introspection, Reflection, And Retrospection)
    • Red Light (For Night Ceremonies)
    •  Water
    •  Comfortable Clothing
    •  Rain Gear
    • Batteries
    • Portable Chargers
    • Bug Spray( Or Citronella, Cedar, Lemongrass Essential Oils)
    •  A Sense Of Humor
    •  A Open Mind
    •  Determination & Willingness To Follow Through
    •  Spanish-English Translator (Dictionary)
    •  Quick Dry Clothing
    • Waterproof Technology
    • Backpack
    • Toiletries
    • Fluoride-free Toothpaste
    • Sun Protection Products & Gear
    •  First Aid Kit

    Preparing for a Ayahuasca Ceremony!

    Have The Right Intention Pre Ayahuasca Ceremony!

    “There isn’t much that occurs in this universe by accident. Everything has a purpose and intent.”

    Most importantly, one must look in the mirror and ask themselves: ” What is it that I want to get out of my first Ayahuasca ceremony?” Each participant begins their Ayahuasca ceremony with a unique intent, and because of this very reason, each individual leaves the Ayahuasca ceremony with their own unique experience.

    However, as it’s commonly reported, it’s the nature of Ayahuasca to dig deep within our being and bring our suppressed experiences, emotions, and memories to the surface. The spirit of ayahuasca reflects everything within us that requires addressing.

    Thus, every participant within the Aya ceremony will need to be fully present, focused and immersed in the experience. Because, this sacred experience will require all of you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    If You Fail To Plan, You Are Planning To Fail!

    Hence, your intentions should be clear, pure, and held as closely to you as possible. So, write down all that you wish to be revealed to you. As a result, speaking, writing, and acting with the same intent, will amplify your communication with the universe. It’s as if your intentions are wishes, so be clear in what you wish to be realized.

    Ultimately, Mother Ayahuasca carries a unique energy and spirit. Verily, The Spirit of Ayahuasca can hear and communicate with our subconscious through our emotions and memories. For instance, this places high importance on ensuring that our heart and mind is in the right place before ceremony; not out of fear should our intentions be made, but out of love!

    Ayahuasca Is Known To Be A Visual Experience.

    Focus On Your Healing

    Primarily, focus on love, gratitude, and balanced thoughts. Also, appreciate the opportunity to address so many untouched areas of your soul.

    Although, Ayahuasca is on the rise: few have had the luxury of experiencing a proper Ayahuasca experience. To be clear, consider yourself extremely fortunate to experience healing on such a sacred level.

    Furthermore, Align your mindset with your intentions, which should be focused on your personal healing. What a shame it would be to waste all of your time and energy, because your mind was off track? In this day and age, we all know how easily we can be distracted and steered the wrong way. Personally, when I am the closest to achieving a spiritual breakthrough, I experience the most distractions and resistance. Certainly, this is the case for most so called ” Lightworkers

    “stay focused. Set your intention. See it through! Do Nothing In VAIN!”

    Practice Yoga, Mindfulness, And Healthy Living Before And After Your Ayahuasca Ceremony!

    Lifestyle Adjustments

    Above All, whether you are preparing for your first Ayahuasca ceremony or not, it would be wise to live the most healthiest lifestyle possible! Therefore, there are key lifestyle adjustments that should be practiced weeks before your Ayahuasca Ceremony such as:

    •  Getting Proper Sleep
    •  Eating A Clean Plant Based Diet
    •  Stay Away From Toxic Environments
    •  Exercise Daily
    •  Begin a Journal
    •  Practice Daily Meditation
    •  Detox Your Body and Home

    All of the above practices, will not only set you up for success to have a memorable Ayahuasca ceremony, but these practices will also improve your life. Now, all of these suggestions and recommendations  may seem basic, but when your purging, recovery, and healing goes smoother than expected; you should congratulate yourself for a job well done.

    Ayahuasca costa rica
    Ayahuasca, Sacred Medicine.

    Let Go & Allow The Healing 

    Moreover, during your journey with Ayahuasca: be open minded, aware, alert, and receptive. So, enter your first Ayahuasca ceremony with very little expectations, assumptions, and beliefs. Lastly, free your mind, be open, and let go of all that is no longer serving you! And allow Ayahuasca to work her magic.

    Ayahuasca retreats in costa Rica
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