Within the framework of the technical table for public policies for the rice sector that has been implemented since last May, the government will continue the joint effort between the ministries of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC), Agriculture and Livestock (MAG ) and Foreign Trade (COMEX), with the productive sector, on a work route to strengthen and protect the national rice production, in order to provide this sector with greater competitiveness, as well as improve the price to consumers. This in view of the DR-CAFTA tariff reduction that ends its phase on January 1, 2025; understanding that it is a process that requires a transition.
In this way, this past Sunday, August 23rd, representatives of the MEIC, MAG, Vice Ministry of the Presidency, Ministry of Planning, the National Production Council (CNP), the National Rice Corporation (CONARROZ) and the sector, met to exchange points of view on this issue.
Concrete results
As a result of this meeting, it was defined that the technical table made up of national authorities and the productive sector, will provide, within a period of 90 days, the route that improves competitiveness in rice production, assigning managers and covering issues as accompaniment to increase the productivity, access to improved seeds, access to credit and that everything translates to the benefit of the price for the consumer.
Additionally, as part of the agreements, the executive is calling for the special sessions in August, four bills that will lead to the institutions and entities involved in rice production having more solid support on this agenda.
The government will continue to establish a reference price to the producer that allows an adequate balance between the different links in the agricultural chain and the setting of the price for milled rice.