
    Four Fabulous Health Benefits from Living by the Ocean

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    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Time and time again, anything we need in life is typically given to us through Mother Nature. Our planet will hand us homeopathic remedies from natural resources before we even have time to think: Get me some antibiotics! The sea is one such medicine and since it’s is near on impossible to escape it here in Costa Rica, that can only be a good thing for all of us living ‘La Pura Vida.

    How many times have we all been told that too much salt is bad for us? Apparently coupling a low sodium diet with a glass of warm salt water each day will actually allow you to reap all kinds of health benefits. However, if a mouthful of salt is not quite your cup of tea in the morning, don’t worry: Just being near the sea has its own benefits for your body, inside and out.

    It gets you moving

    Perhaps the most obvious benefit of living by the sea is that it promotes exercise. Various scientific investigations have proven that beach environments encourage us to get out and get active; whether that’s walking along the sand, swimming or going for a jog.

    It reduces stress

    Beaches have also been shown to have a calming effect on us. Salt water produces two hormones called serotonin and melatonin, both of which work to reduce our stress levels and allow a good night’s sleep.

    It makes you look younger and healthier

    Imagine that just by living near the sea you can feel years younger. As well as opening pores and improving circulation, saltwater helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and reduce cellulite by supplying natural electrolytes, giving you an even and toned complexion. And, for all eczema sufferers and those with dry skin, sea water is particularly useful in hydrating the skin, so you can save a few colones on face cream and go for a morning swim instead!

    It gives you great hair

    Forget going to the hairdresser, the sea has its own salon. It acts as a softener to hair helping to reduce dandruff and though sometimes undesired, it can add huge amounts of volume to you hair.

    So it pays to live by the sea. Take a trip to the beach, it’s what the doctor ordered.

    For more information on how you can buy beach property or take a Costa Rica vacation, contact us!

    By Laura Ash

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)

    San Jose, Costa Rica

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