The Government of President Nayib Bukele reiterates to Salvadorans and the international community the pride of organizing the ISA World Surfing Games 2021, from May29th and until June 6th at La Bocana (El Tunco) and El Sunzal beaches, in the municipality of Tamanique, department of La Libertad, El Salvador.
Although the event is closed to the public in accordance with international biosafety protocols to avoid COVID-19 infections, all the development of the competition can be seen through the digital platforms of the ISA. In addition to this platform there is the site
and the international sports network ESPN, which has the exclusive rights to broadcast the championship.
The Minister of Tourism, Morena Valdez, explained that the only part that is closed to the public is the area of development of the competition, but all the activity in the neighboring restaurants function normally, which will invigorate the local economy and generate a window of opportunities for the inhabitants of this area of La Libertad.
Supporting the development of the environment
The public are able to visit the businesses near the event venues normally with an increase in visitors during the days of the competitions, something that confirms that the Surf City policy is also supporting the development of the environment. In this way, the business owners have committed to keeping the biosecurity protocols in force and having to comply with all anti-COVID-19 measures.
Visitors to these businesses must remain with the mask, keep social distancing and in each location there will be alcohol dispensers to use on the hands, in addition to the constant disinfection procedures.
12 slots will come out for athletes to compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games next June. This is a window to raise the name of El Salvador and generate new development for the Salvadoran coast.