
    Does Circumcision Protect Against HIV?

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    When we hear the word Pandemic we probably think of the unnameable that takes away our ability to perceive aromas and flavors, however, that is not the only Pandemic that has existed, in fact we are still living another Pandemic caused by a very famous microorganism, it is the virus of the Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) which appeared in the early eighties when neo-progressive tendency revolutionized society.

    HIV aims to eliminate cells called CD4 + type helper T lymphocytes in your body. These have the task of recognizing any infectious agent that enters our body and notify the immune control center so that it can assemble a response against the invader and thus finally, be rid of any infectious process and we do not have the need to go to the doctor.

    CD4 + T lymphocytes allows human organisms being exposed to any invading microorganism, becoming ill very frequently and dying even from a simple cold. This virus can be transmitted from one human being to another through sexual intercourse, by having contact with fluids such as semen, vaginal fluid and the blood. There are other means of transmission but this is the one that interests us in this opportunity.

    Knowing this transmission mechanism, doctors recommend the use of condoms as a preventive method since if you acquire this infection, it will accompany you for the rest of your life.

    Although nothing exceeds the protective power of the condom, scientists have determined that the infection rate of circumcised males is inferior when compared to uncircumcised males regardless of their sexual orientation.

    What is circumcision?

    Circumcision is the process by which it is surgically removed, the foreskin, that layer of skin that protects the glans of the penis. It has not yet been specifically elucidated how circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection, but it is presumed to be due to the following conditions:

    ● The foreskin is a highly vascularized area This means that it has many blood vessels through which the virus can enter, so when removing it, the entry doors are reduced.

    ● The area under the foreskin is normally humid, this would allow the preservation of the virus by increasing the contact time between the virus. and the skin, therefore, by removing the foreskin we avoid this reservoir mechanism

    ● The foreskin acts as a seating area for other sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis and genital herpes; These infections form ulcers that become a gateway for the virus, thus, by removing the foreskin, we reduce the risk of ulcers and HIV infection.

    Not guaranteed protection

    It is important to note that this protective effect works for the circumcised male, not for the partner. Therefore, having sex with a circumcised male is no guarantee of protection for you. For that reason and much more, always use a condom in your sexual relationships.

    Resonance Costa Rica
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