With 44 votes in favor and none against, the Legislative Assembly approved this October 1st, in the first debate, the elimination of the removal of license plates and the reduction of six points in the license for drivers who disrespect the vehicle health restriction.
In this way, the legislators relaxed the penalties that they endorsed six months ago, for violations of the traffic bans promoted by the Government of the Republic to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus. Now, the bill requires a second vote and the signature of the President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, to enter into force.
Once this happens, failure to respect the vehicle restriction will be fined ¢ 107,000. This amount was not modified, despite the initial proposal to reduce it to ¢ 23,000. From then on, also, the resources will be allocated to the Sickness and Maternity Insurance (SEM) of the Social Security Fund (CCSS) and not to the Proteger bond platform, with which the Executive Branch grants subsidies until December to workers affected by the measures imposed to control the Pandemic have had on the economy.
Justified decision Legislators justified the change in sanctions for non-compliance with the restriction by arguing that it involved three punishments in one. The decision was made despite open opposition from the ministers of Health, Daniel Salas Peraza, of Transportation, Rodolfo Méndez Mata, and of Public Security, Michael Soto Rojas