According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, as of November 10 there have been 16,258 cases, 11,906 cases against the same period last year, giving an increase of 36%. Santa Cruz, Nicoya, Liberia, and Carrillo Bagaces cantons are most affected by dengue.
Santa Cruz is showing 50 to 60 cases per week.
According to the Health Surveillance authorities in the area, “a possible outbreak of dengue”, a warning was issued and recommended preventive neighbors Escazu, particularly the district of San Miguel, implement processes fumigation, cleaning of vacant lots and destroy all possible mosquito breeding sites of dengue.
Measures to consider include:
• Clean containers daily serving food to pets.
• Maintain clean canoes.
• Wash cells and eliminate standing water.
• Cover Stanol and tanks where you keep drinking water.
Dengue is a disease transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which is characterized by a fever, limited duration, intense malaise and headache, muscle, joint and skin rash. In some cases bleeding may occur, but is uncommon.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica