The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Floribeth Mora Diaz, the Costa Rican whose miracle will allow the canonization of John Paul II, said that her life totally changed in the last five months since the announcement was made official by the Vatican.
Mora attributed the healing of a brain aneurysm to John Paul II, the same day he was beatified on May 1, 2011. She stated that in recent months, international media coverage, documentaries and a visit to Mexico changed the landscape of her life. She is looking forward to next April which marks the formal canonization of the late Pope.
She has now been featured in documentaries by Mexican broadcast Televisa which has already been aired in many countries worldwide.
One curious aspect of the events is that Mora receives calls at home constantly from Catholic faithfuls around the world. In the last few days some visitors from Bosnia went to her house to meet her.
According to information from the Vatican, John Paul II will be canonized on April 27th of next year, along with John XXIII. For Catholics, this day will be held the second Sunday of Easter, dedicated to the Divine Mercy.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica

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