The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – The National Scholarship Fund (FONABE) aims to provide 11,000 more scholarships for 2015.
In 2014, the organization awarded scholarships to 179,000 low-income students across the country. Next year, they intend to give out 190,000 scholarships.
The budget allocated to FONABE socio-economic aid next year will be around ¢52 billion.
This figure is the same as was budgeted for 2014; however, this year they offered fewer scholarships due to the cancellation of 6,000 scholarships that had been granted illegally.
The Fund provides monthly financial assistance ranging from ¢17,000 to ¢80,000, according to the program that the grant holder belongs to. (Amelia Rueda)
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose, Costa Rica