The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – The Christmas truce of the political campaign, which dictates the electoral code of Costa Rica, will begin on Monday and end on January 1, announced the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE).
The truce specifies that during the dates established, political parties may not publish paid announcements in newspapers, radio, television or the internet and they will not hold meetings or rallies in public areas.
Article 136 of the Electoral Code states that on those dates it’s prohibited “political propaganda in mass media”, except that the presidential candidates will perform three Christmas messages.
“It’s a time where political discussion continues because the media has no prohibition to continue spreading the election news and intense dialogue that exists on social networks will continue to develop,” said the president of TSE, Luis Antonio Sobrado, in a press conference.
The judge said the truce is used to turn down political discussion because it is a time of rest for Costa Ricans.
Any transgressions of the rules of this truce will result in penalties laid down in Article 286 and 289 of the Electoral Code, which will fine candidate about $ 750 each pay period. (EFE)
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica

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