The Ministry of Health reported that this Friday the regulations for Law 10,066, which regulates the use of vaping devices in Costa Rica, were published in the official newspaper La Gaceta.
“The purpose of this regulation is to regulate, control and supervise Electronic Nicotine Administration Systems, Similar Systems without Nicotine and electronic devices that use heated tobacco and similar technologies,” said Salud.
In addition, it establishes regulations for liquids for use, accessories and other complementary goods.The regulations are clear in establishing the prohibition places for the use of the devices.
Among these sites are:
Health and hospital centers or establishments
Work centers
Parking spaces located inside or outside the productive work unit
Public and private educational and training centers
Shopping centers
Sports facilities
Places where shows take place
Recreational activities of any kind
amusement centers
Leisure or recreation for minors
Additionally, the ministry established the requirement to sign or label places prohibited for smoking and for the use of all types of vapes and electronic devices that use heated tobacco and similar technologies.It must be located in visible places with the following message: “NO SMOKING/VAPING”, also complying with other parameters for this signage.
It is worth mentioning that the sale of all these devices to minors is also prohibited.Said regulation comes into effect as of its publication and 3 to 6 months will be available to comply with some of the provisions.
The Minister of Health, Mary Munive, pointed out that the problems and health effects due to vaping are on the rise. The leader cited the reports of the National Poisoning Center that deals with cases when there are symptoms of significant poisoning.By 2023, the CCSS unit recorded 14 poisonings due to vaping, of which nine were minors and seven required hospital care.
“The data is overwhelming. They look like toys without being toys, to make them more attractive. They are toxic at the lung level, the kidney is not suitable to receive these substances,” Munive then highlighted.Experts say that the effects of using these devices range from respiratory distress to tachycardia, chronic cough, nausea, vomiting, anxiety and even hallucinations.