The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – National identity, culture, human talent, export potential, business climate and the international perception of Costa Rica will be reflected in the country brand to be launched in late August. This brand aims at consolidating the vision of Costa Rica from locals and the rest of the world.
Focus groups were formed in Costa Rica and abroad in order to define the main Costa Rican values and its profile. Based on the results, the Foreign Trade Promoter (Procomer) and the Ministry of Foreign Trade (Comex) defined the content of the country brand.
The development and validation process of this National brand has taken two years and cost $450,000, according to Procomer. The minister of COMEX (Ministry of Foreign Trade) revealed that is a valuable tool that will position Costa Rica abroad in terms of investment and tourism. She added that the project has required deep and intense analysis along with the support of companies that have developed other brands in the world.
The Procomer manager, Jorge Sequeira, explained that the country brand (marca país in Spanish) is a marketing tool and the greatest gain that Costa Rica will have in terms of perception and positioning.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose, Costa Rica