The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – The Directorate General of Immigration (DGME) of Costa Rica reported that so far, 2013 has recorded 20 victims of human trafficking, 7 of which are used for the purpose of organ trafficking.
The data comes from a report presented today at a press conference by the Unit for Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants of the DGME, which indicated that the victims are nationals of Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Colombia and Costa Rica.
Of the 20 cases of human trafficking, 9 were used for purposes of sexual exploitation and 7 for organ trafficking and for 3 for for labor exploitation and servitude.
The Director of Immigration, Kathya Rodriguez said in the press conference that the cases are being investigated by the prosecution.
According to Rodriguez, the victims of organ trafficking are mostly Costa Ricans who are tricked into selling their organs and then abandoned by those who recruited.
The existence of organ trafficking in Costa Rica came to light through the press in mid-year and a few days later, on June 18, judicial authorities announced the capture of the “core” of a criminal organization dedicated to the crime and had links to Israel.
According to the investigation, the doctor was in charge of checking that donors were compatible with Israelis who needed a transplant and also practice surgery in a private clinic in Costa Rica.
Donors were offered sums of up to $ 20,000 in exchange for their body parts and some of them traveled to Israel for a transplant.
In Costa Rica illegal organ trafficking is a crime punishable by three laws. The strongest punishment established by law against human trafficking, which imposes of 8-16 years in prison who possesses, transports, sells or buys from illicitly organs, tissues or fluids.
The law against human trafficking also establishes prison sentences similar to the other forms of crime such as sexual exploitation, slavery and forced labor, among others.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica