This we have seen a steady rise in market interest on the international market. There has been more interest with buyers and there has also been more interest in foreign home owners placing their properties on the market as they are seeing an uptick in interest and price point.
The three (3) hotspots to keep your eye on:
1) West side of Central valley – Heredia, Alajuela, Atenas, Grecia, Naranjo, Palmares and San Ramon
2) Northern/Guanacaste and eastward – Liberia to Upala, Vocano Tenorio around the Rio Celeste
3) Pacific Southern Zone – Golfito, Osa Peninsula
All of these areas have seen improved accessibility and market interest.
Real estate agents and developers have much higher expectation in the Costa Rica real estate market for 2013.
One important indicator is the Costa Rica travel/vacation industry has seen increased significantly over 2012 and the booking are up for this coming high season.
The Costa Rica news (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica