Costa Rica is becoming an exemplary country in the protection of nature and its biodiversity. Thanks to its innovative “Decarbonization Plan” (2018-2050), with which it intends to free itself from the use of fossil fuels, thus demonstrating its commitment to the transformation towards a modern, green and emission-free economy. Regarding this issue, President Carlos Alvarado affirmed: “Decarbonization is the great task of our generation and Costa Rica must be among the first countries to achieve it, if not the first”. Similarly, the president said, “This is a great transformation that lies ahead and we have to conquer it with the data, with intelligence, but more than anything, we have to fill ourselves with the courage to do it.”
Environmental advances that the country will have with this plan.
Although this Latin American nation has already made several advances in ecological matters, with this environmental plan it intends to go one step further and achieve tangible goals. Here are some of the most ambitious goals and objectives of this project:

The first is to develop a public transport system (buses, taxis and other public means) fueled by clean energy by 2035 and 70% of these must be zero emissions. It must also be so efficient that you do not have to use your car.
The increase of at least 10% of non-motorized mobilizations has aspired. And by 2050, 100% of buses and taxis will be zero emissions.
Likewise, the country will implement an extensive electric recharge network throughout the country and with complementary infrastructure for zero-emission technologies, for example, hydrogen stations.
In the first phase, it is expected that by 2025 the increase in motorcycle purchases will be stabilized and patterns adopted to favor the sale of zero-emission motorcycles.
In the second phase there is an expectation that by 2035, 25% of the vehicle fleet will be electric and finally by 2050, 100% of the sales of new light vehicles will be from zero-emission vehicles and 60% of the light vehicle fleet – private and public – will be zero emissions.
In terms of energy, this environmental plan establishes that by 2030, the country’s electricity matrix must operate 100% with renewable energy. Thus consolidating a national electrical system capable of supplying and managing renewable energy at a competitive cost for users. And by 2050, it is expected that electricity will be the primary source of energy for the transport, residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
As for the modernization of the industrial sector, it is intended to reduce emissions through electrical, sustainable and efficient processes. By 2030, there will be a strategy and business models of integral design that consider the necessary actions to mitigate and take responsibility for the impact of a product from its manufacturing, distribution and subsequent discard: what is called “Cradle-to-Grave”.
And by 2050, it is intended that the industrial sector will rely more on low-emission energy sources. Similarly, this environmental plan includes the development of an integrated waste management system based on separation, reuse, revaluation and final disposal with maximum efficiency and low emissions. Likewise, expanding the forest cover of Costa Rica to 60% thus consolidating biological corridors and increasing the availability of green areas for recreation.
With all these goals Costa Rica will undoubtedly become an example for the world and a paradise for ecotourism, demonstrating that man and nature can coexist sustainably. It is important to know that according to government estimates, the price of environmental transformation in the country would be US $ 6,500 million for the next 11 years.
A vision in favor of the environment.

Recently the environmental organization “Avaaz”, delivered to the President of Costa Rica Carlos Alvarado a book with 100 written letters addressed to him by people of different nationalities, in which they recognize the work favoring the environment.
These letters with emotional messages, support the vision that Costa Rica represents and the green diplomatic model that it currently has and that the world admires, consolidated after showing its “Environmental Plan of Decarbonization”.