Through the Triangular Cooperation project, Costa Rica, Mexico and Ecuador create an initiative for the exchange of information, experiences, tools and effective management platforms regarding protected areas.
Authorities and representatives from the three countries met in March in Costa Rica in order to exchange experiences regarding third-party administration models for non-essential services and activities in protected areas and thus guarantee sustainable tourism activities.
Strengthening mechanisms for planning, organizing and managing tourism activities in protected areas
The project “Strengthening mechanisms for planning, organizing and managing tourism activities in the protected areas of Costa Rica, Mexico and Ecuador” is carried out in cooperation with the National System of Conservation Areas of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica (SINAC- MINAE), the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources – National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP) of Mexico and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE) of Ecuador; and is implemented by the German Development Cooperation, GIZ, within the framework of the Regional Fund for Triangular Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Cooperation between countries is essential in the search for sustainable tourism in the region
SvenjaPaulino, Director of the Biodiversity and Business Program in Central America and the Dominican Republic, states: “Cooperation between countries is essential in the search for sustainable tourism in the region. This not only allows us to learn about the experience of other countries in the management of protected areas, but also promotes the sustainable development of local communities through economic activities such as tourism.”
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the mechanisms and capacities for the development of tourism services and activities in protected areas, with the involvement of the private sector and civil society in the three countries. This includes improving the processes for granting permits for tourism activities, establishing mechanisms for effective management of funds and exchanging experiences in the use of platforms and methodologies for information management.
For his part, Franz Tattenbach, Minister of Environment and Energy in Costa Rica, comments: “This triangular cooperation project will contribute to the consolidation and strengthening of the national parks and protected areas of the participating countries, since, through its execution, experiences and lessons learned will be shared.” He also added that, “The exchange of information and knowledge will be promoted on topics and matters of mutual interest that contribute to the conservation and management of biodiversity, natural and cultural resources in protected areas, in terms of combating the effects of climate change and responsible use of ecosystem services.”
A transfer of knowledge
«It will be a transfer of knowledge between all institutions offering the experiences not only of Costa Rica but also of Ecuador and Mexico. The novelty of this project is that all entities have a role as technical provider, but also as beneficiary in different topics around tourist activities in protected areas, for the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy of Costa Rica, through the International Cooperation Area, this is a way to enhance South-South cooperation and above all the positioning of the country as a manager technical,” mentioned Juan Carlos Fonseca from Mideplan’s International Cooperation Area.
This exchange is aimed primarily at decision makers and implementers of the countries’ regulations, as well as local actors who work in protected areas.These areas and the economic activities that derive from them are essential for the sustainable development of local communities, seeking the protection of natural resources.
Searching for alliances and initiatives that promote tourism development within a framework of sustainability is a path that cannot be followed in isolation. At the regional level, it is important to exchange experiences and international coordination for the conservation and protection of ecosystem services on which not only the economic growth of nations depends, but also life on the planet.