The President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado and the Ministers of Agriculture and Livestock, Renato Alvarado; of Education, Guiselle Cruz and of Culture and Youth, Sylvie Durán, sanctioned this past Tuesday at the Presidential Palace, Law No. 9815 that declares Costa Rican Coffee as the fifteenth national symbol of Costa Rican economic, contributing to its social and cultural development.
The bill – proposed by the deputy Wagner Jiménez – instructs the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) to include in the corresponding study programs, Costa Rican coffee as a national symbol.
The proclamation ceremony, governed by all health protocols, included the President of the Costa Rican Coffee Institute, Luis Román Chacón and, in a virtual form, congressmen Mario Castillo and Wagner Jiménez, as well as the Mayors of Dota, Leonardo Chacón; Tarrazú, Ana Lorena Rovira and León Cortés, Jorge Mora.
Also, Jeison, Valentina, Dylana, Abigail, and Jaime, students from the San Rafael de Dota School, as well as faculty from the educational center and representatives of the coffee sector of the canton, all of whom spoke with President Alvarado about the importance of the said Law.

“On the part of the students who proposed this initiative, today we want to thank the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, as well as the Mayor and all those who were part of this project. The year before we proposed that coffee is a national symbol. In the Los Santos area, the golden grain represents employment and school supplies. Our coffee is the best in the world”, said Bianca, a student at the school.
Also, this Tuesday, the President of the Republic and the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) signed Law 2762, “Creation of the Regime for relations between producers, beneficiaries, and exporters of coffee”, which aims to determine a fair relationship between coffee producers, beneficiaries and exporters. The legislation declares of public interest all matters related to the production, processing, marketing, quality, and prestige of Costa Rican coffee.

The President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado, thanked the congressmen for the approval of these laws that come to award a well-deserved recognition to the Costa Rican golden grain, which throughout history has been a fundamental part of the national and local economy.
“We know the importance of the productive forces of the nation at this moment in terms of economic reactivation, especially in the hard times that we live as a result of the health crisis. I appreciate this joint work between the Legislative and Executive powers with the private sector to reinforce coffee activity in the country with equity, efficiency, and a long-term vision”, said President Alvarado.
The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Renato Alvarado, highlighted the work of the Legislative Assembly in these projects and the joint private-public cooperation in the sector. “These actions respond to coordination with the private sector for guaranteeing and increasing the productive capacity,” said the Minister.
These bills are signed at a time when the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, MAG, and ICAFE has called on the population to join the coffee harvesting campaign, which will begin in mid-August, lasting until March 2021. At the moment, more than 17 thousand people have responded to the call made by the institutions in the framework of the national emergency that the country is experiencing due to COVID-19.
The Minister of Public Education, Guiselle Cruz, highlighted the importance of incorporating these new contents into all levels of academic programs. “Coffee is an identity element of unquestionable importance for the constitution of our nationality. From the dawn of our homeland, it was the worthy work of all the people dedicated to planting, harvesting, and marketing our golden grain, not just as a way of subsistence, but also as a source of justified pride. This historical cultural and productive bond must be highlighted from our classrooms, for the next generations”, concluded the education minister.