Representatives of the member countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA), convened by Costa Rica, shared experiences and good practices today for the acquisition and guarantee of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.
The Costa Rican Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured that the meeting constituted a concrete, pragmatic and specific initiative in response to the priorities of Costa Rica in the Pro Tempore Presidency (PPT) of SICA, which has been in office since January 1st and will conclude on June 30th.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship Rodolfo Solano affirmed that situations such as the one generated by the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, the cause of the COVID-19 Pandemic, urges us to act agile and efficiently. He also continued to strengthen institutional and regional coordination and collaboration efforts to apply response measures aimed at the effective protection of our populations.
Not to lower the guard
Solano called not to lower our guard and try to work together to, through the exchange of experiences and good practices, advance as a region in the face of the challenges generated by the Pandemic for an effective economic reactivation.
He indicated that from the SICA PPT, Costa Rica intends that this exchange of experiences strengthen our chances of success in the face of COVID-19, because – he stressed – no one will be safe until we are all safe.
According to the Costa Rican Foreign Ministry, the specific objective of the meeting was to share the experience of Costa Rica in its institutional coordination efforts for the acquisition and guarantee of vaccines against the Virus.
Institutional coordination
In this regard, Vice Chancellor Adriana Bolaños, in her capacity as coordinator of the vaccination table; the Vice Minister of Health Pedro González and the President of the National Emergency Commission Alexander Solís, shared with the representatives of the member countries specific elements for the acquisition and guarantee of anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines.
Among these they mentioned the outstanding articulation work carried out by the Foreign Ministry, the technical and scientific quality in decision-making thanks to the establishment of direct channels with the scientific community, which allowed real-time evaluations.
In addition, the efficiency in institutional communication in support of decision-making and in the execution of processes as well as the coordinated work of missions abroad to keep information up to date.