Glenda Jiménez is a teacher from Pérez Zeledón, who decided to undertake and dedicate herself as an artistic painter and designer of handmade jewelry and offer a proposal with identity.
She, along with 26 other artisans, received the Costa Rica Artesanal Seal, which guarantees national and foreign consumers the possibility of buying Costa Rican crafts with characteristics of identity, quality, design and adequate environmental practices.
“I worked with a lot of dedication to obtain the Costa Rica Artesanal Seal and today it is a goal achieved where three of my products were certified. This achievement allows me to open ways for other artisans to give the value their work deserves and ensure the originality, authenticity and identity of the products; which in the end translates into an opportunity to create economic wealth through art”, expressed the artist, owner of Glenda Jiménez Proyectos Creativos.
Recognizing the multiethnic and multicultural diversity of Costa Rican handicrafts

This seal not only recognizes the multiethnic and multicultural diversity of Costa Rican handicrafts; but at the same time, it gives a high added value to artisan products, stimulates national and international consumption, encourages entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized artisan companies.
“The Costa Rica Artesanal Seal makes visible the contribution of crafts to socioeconomic and cultural development, which represents a competitive advantage for SMEs and entrepreneurs to strengthen their work with quality and cultural value to offer a product that guarantees the Costa Rican identity,” said Victoria Hernández Mora, Minister of Economy, Industry and Commerce.
The new artisans who have this distinctive, are added to the 39 who received it the previous year. It is important to note that this unique and personal brand is voluntarily delivered to traditional or contemporary crafts, which meet quality standards and are validated by the Costa Rican Commission for the Craft Sector.
Articulated work
“The articulated work of our institutions with the cultural subsector of crafts in recent years, has facilitated its recognition, its categorization, and its territorial location. It has also facilitated its enhancement in marketing spaces. In this sense, consolidating the Costa Rica Artesanal seal is a fundamental process to strengthen the sector and to guarantee customers the quality they deserve,” said Sylvie Durán Salvatierra, Minister of Culture and Youth.
The seal is an inter-institutional effort led by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC), with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ), the National Tourism Institute (ICT) and the National Learning Institute (INA).
Digital catalog and benefits of the Costa Rica Artesanal Seal
In order to promote and market the products, the Costa Rica Artesanal Seal gathers in a digital catalog, the list and contacts of artisans who have the seal, as well as photographs of certified crafts.