The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Costa Rica’s government announced today that it will expedite the implementation of agreements with Panama and will take measures to facilitate the passage of transport at the border, affected by a blockage of Costa Rican truckers which reached its fourth day.
With these commitments, the authorities of Costa Rica expect the group of 17 truckers to end in the next few hours the blockage they imposed last Saturday at Paso Canoas border, in a protest against the State Border Service (SENAFRONT) of Panama.
Castillo explained that the Costa Rican law requires authorities to seize foreign plates vehicles which commit minor offenses, which is seen by Panamanians as an excessive penalty.
“This is an issue we have not resolved, but we are committed to fix as soon as possible,” said the chancellor, who met yesterday in San Jose with his Panamanian counterpart, Fernando Nunez Fabrega.
This Tuesday, the head of SENAFRONT, Frank Abrego, stated that about 40 Panamanian vehicles remain retained in Costa Rican territory, and that some owners have paid up to “$ 20,000” for their retrieval.
Faced with complaints of Costa Rican truck drivers, who have denounced abuses and discrimination by the SENAFRONT, Abrego said the agency is merely implementing measures to prevent entry of arms, drugs and illicit money into Panama. He justified that this process involves foreigners to wait up to six hours in line.
In this regard, Costa Rican Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Fernando Ocampo, said yesterday that “both countries promised to speed up procedures and implement solutions that avoid these conflicts in the future.” FNL
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose, Costa Rica