The Route 1856 project was burdened with controversy and management issues from its inception, although most Costa Ricans agree that the Costa Rica Nicaragua Border Trail is a necessity for the future security of the Costa Rica border with Nicaragua.
The Director of the National Roads Authority, Jose Luis Salas, said the work on Route 1856, will resume in the summer of 2013, and will use the same monitoring and control mechanisms that had been applied at the time the Presidency the Republic ordered to suspend work and filed a complaint with the Attorney General.
Salas said that with the existence of a better design and the presence of officials, they can guarantee Costa Ricans that the works will have the necessary controls.
Meanwhile Nicaragua still claims that the construction of the border trail has caused environmental damage to Nicaraguan water sheds and protected areas, although all studies indicate not damage has been cause to Nicaragua, and minimal on the Costa Rica side.
The Costa Rica news (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica