
    Conservation on the Osa Peninsula:

    5 Positive Impacts Happening Now!

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    Costa Rica is making continuous strides in conservation! Learn how individuals and visitors can get involved in keeping this country beautiful!

    The Osa Peninsula is home to approximately 2.5% of the world’s bio-diversity.  It is

    Such beauty over the rain forest.

    considered a sacred area that needs to be committed to conservation, and protected from pollution, deforestation, and negative human influence.  Countless of species and animals inhabit this tiny spec on the globe.  The conservation of natural resources is crucial to the well-being of its innumerable inhabitants. Although this region has already been negatively affected, there is hope! Teams of individuals work tirelessly on conservation projects that are in place for the care of the environment in the Osa, and are working for a continued bright future for the entire area!

    Here is a summary of some positively impactful conservation programs happening right now to keep these virgin lands healthy and abundant:

    1. Sea Turtle Conservation
    baby sea turtle making way to the ocean

    Only 1 out of 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings actually make it into adulthood. Too often these little ones are taken by the heat, or snatched by predators before their life’s journey even starts. Sea turtle conservationists in the Osa Peninsula patrol the beaches in search for these nests and hatching turtles to help them fight the odds and increase their population. Turtle eggs are taken to a nursery where they are able to develop in an enclosed area, and this keeps them safe from many lurking predators. Once hatched, they are released and conservationists assist them on their voyage to the sea. The turtles receive a warm send-off to fulfilling a life into adulthood thanks to the dedication of caring members of the Osa community.

    2. Osa’s Healthy Rivers

    beautiful river bank

    The quality and quantity of clean water is a growing concern in Costa Rica, as well as on a global level. Osa’s Healthy Rivers Project has been working in the communities of the Osa Peninsula to monitor the condition of the rivers. Their efforts are geared towards consistently  improving, maintaining, and educating the communities on how they can manage the impact they are having on the contamination of the rivers. The team has 8 community groups which are monitoring 10 rivers in the area by taking samples, collecting data, and then taking action in accordance with the results. This organization plans to expand, and has no intention of slowing down! Through education, monitoring, and actively involved members, the Osa’s Healthy Rivers Project will continue to make a positive impact on this pristine environment.

    3. Osa Conservation’s Sustainable Agriculture

    harvest of rice

    Osa Conservation’s Sustainable Agriculture Program is creating an innovative way to put organic waste to use! The University of Costa Rica has identified that each person in Costa Rica produces 1.3-2.4 pounds of waste daily! This number is too painstakingly high, and this Program intends to change what is done with the waste here. As approximately 50% of this waste is biodegradable material, the Program is looking to re-purpose this waste and create organic fertilizer out of it. Turning previous trash into treasure for the soil can reduce waste in illegal dumps, eliminate the use of chemical fertilizers, and bring us closer to improving the condition of our environment.

    1. The White Hawk Project
    rain forest majesty

    It has become clear that  the Corcovado National Park is not extensive enough to protect the wide range of eco-systems that exist there.  This protected area needs to be expanded to ensure that it is properly protected, now and into the future.  The Costa Rican government simply doesn’t have the financial means. It will fall upon the private sector to raise the funds needed to purchase surrounding lands that will connect with the Park. And this is why the White Hawk Project was founded.  This is a non-profit Foundation founded in 2008, and it has been working to purchase and protect the rainforest on the Osa Peninsula. They are committed to creating and preserving a wildlife corridor that links the Park with surrounding properties in the area.

    1. ASCONA

    Originating and located in Puerto Jimenez, ASCONA is a local grassroots organization dedicated to promoting social and environmental sustainability in the region. They work on a number of projects such as distributing information to local residents, working collectively against development projects that may threaten the social and environmental well-being of the Osa Peninsula, and educating the residents about natural resources management.  They offer a number of volunteer projects for those who want to get more involved, such as supporting the local cultural richness, rural tourism projects, and an environmental education program.

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