The president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, said he has agreed with his counterpart of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, “establishing channels of communication” to resolve through diplomatic channels the maritime dispute between the two countries.
The ICJ amended in November frontier bordering Colombia and Nicaragua in the Caribbean Sea in a ruling that extended the jurisdiction of Managua on an area rich in oil resources and fisheries.
It also ratified Colombian sovereignty over islands claimed by Nicaragua.
“Of course, no one wants a military confrontation. That’s the last resort,” Santos said at the start of a meeting with his Nicaraguan counterpart Daniel Ortega, in Mexico, where they attend the inauguration of President Enrique Peña Nieto.
“The way to fix this type of situation is to enter into dialogue, a meaningful dialogue where the positions are established and clarified,” he added.
Meanwhile, Ortega was more emphatic in dismissing outright hostilities.
“No, no, the use of force, is completely ruled out ” he said adding that “we will develop communication mechanisms in all these matters that I have mentioned so we can go guaranteeing security to everyone.”
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica