The Basics of Seismology
In order to understand the following article, it is first necessary to share with you a brief explanation about a tectonic plate, which is a fragment of the relatively rigid lithosphere that moves over the asthenosphere. It is similar...
Natural Disasters: What to Do When They Appear
Natural disasters are rare biological situations where nature is forced to correct bio-structural errors by water, land, or wind. Before such events happen, some forecasts must be taken regardless of the situation:Volcanic eruptionsYou must stay tuned through the radio...
Is Mankind Destroying Planet Earth?
Disasters are natural or human-made events that negatively affect daily life, industry, environment, etc., often leading to permanent changes in human societies and the animals that inhabit that place.Ecosystems and environmentA catastrophe has disastrous consequences, showing the vulnerability of...
Fundación Madre Tierra Verde Recycles All Types of Plastic
The Fundación Madre Tierra Verde, (Mother Green Earth) is a Costa Rica Based NGO that strives to protect our planet's natural resources. The Foundation promotes the acquisition of specialized machines for plastic Recycling. Their open-source programming allows them to...
Coronavirus: Will It Be a Key Accelerator for Remote Work?
The day on which Coronavirus was declared a global alert by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the threat of spread outside of China, Alex Konanykhin, CEO of TransparentBusiness, offered the Ambassador of China in the United States US$...
Costa Rica Defends Women’s Rights at XVI Regional Conference on Women
Recently, the XVI Regional Conference of Women was held in Santiago, Chile, at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in which Costa Rica played a leading role in advocating the inclusion of more women in...
2020: a Year of Challenges In The Case Of Contamination in Crucitas
During the year 2019, TCRN has emphasized the environmental situation of Crucitas, the struggles, purposes, and actions against this man-made ecological disaster. Let's recall that all Central American countries have suffered in recent decades, depredation of their natural resources...
Culture & Lifestyle
Parable #1: What Do You Want to Learn?
(This week is the fourth installment of the book, “The Band Director’s Lessons About Life”, which TCRN is publishing as a series during 2020. This week, band director and spiritual author Donald Lee begins part 1 of the book...
The Balance of Nature: How Delicate Is It?
The balance of nature may be disturbed by various causes. Events such as cataclysms are geological phenomena that alter the conditions of the environment as we know it. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., although not very frequent, are examples of...
Envision Festival 2020: Where Eco-Awareness and Spirituality Merge
Our planet is increasingly threatened and mistreated as a result of the great climatic changes produced by humans that have been taking place in the past decades. It is worrying how huge forest fires today have consumed millions of...
Latest News
“Festivity of The Holy Christ of Esquipulas” in Costa Rica Nominated For The Representative List Of The Intangible Cultural Heritage Of Humanity
Costa Rica submitted to UNESCO the nomination of the Festivities of the Holy Christ of Esquipulas in Santa Cruz,...