

    January 1st, 2025: FTA of Costa Rica with The United States Finally Comes Into Full Force By Opening Competition For Two Last Sectors

    It has been 20 years since the Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) negotiations began. It has also been 17 years since Costa Rica held a referendum for its approval and 15 years since its implementation. Although all...

    Business Groups Celebrate Costa Rica’s Entry into the Pacific Alliance

    A conglomerate of 12 chambers and business groups issued a joint press release this Friday, December 13, celebrating Costa Rica's entry into the Pacific Alliance. The conglomerate, called Consejo Empresarial para la Alianza del Pacífico (CEAP) catalogued Costa Rica's...

    Do You Have a Scientific-Based Business Venture or Idea Led by Women in Costa Rica?

    The fifth edition of the Constelar program is open for applications until January 8, 2025, for women with scientific-based ventures or business ideas who wish to apply for non-reimbursable funds from the Development Banking System. (SBD).Constelar is led by...

    Why Costa Rica is Considered a “Bimonetary” Economy and Its Myths

    Costa Rica is a small and open economy. Consumers buy most goods and services in colones. However, despite the country not being dollarized, there are some goods and services that are mostly offered in dollars.For example: vehicles, properties (sales...

    Taking Advantage of Costa Rica`s Upward GDP Trend

    Costa Rica has been experiencing a notable upward trend in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), driven by a combination of political stability, economic diversification, and strategic foreign investment. This growth presents various opportunities for businesses and investors looking to...

    Do You Want to Buy a House in Costa Rica: Is a Mortgage or a Trust Better?

    The decision to buy a house is one of the most important in life; however, choosing the home that best fits our needs largely depends on the budget allocated for this purpose. Once the amount to invest is determined,...

    Costa Rican Economy Will Grow By 4.5% This Year, Estimates the UCR

    National production will reach 4.5% for this year, with a range between 4.4% and 4.7%. This is an improvement in the estimate compared to the July report, which estimated a growth of 3.4%.Good performance of the definitive regimeThe improvement...

    Applying 10 Key Steps Can Facilitate the Process of Obtaining a Housing Loan in Costa Rica

    Having one's own home is the dream and project of thousands of Costa Ricans, and this can be closer to becoming a reality if a series of steps are taken to achieve greater success in the credit application process.Precisely...

    What Are the Opportunities for Improvement in Habits of Debtors in Costa Rica?

    On different occasions, experts have mentioned the need for financial education among the Costa Rican population. From implementing and adhering to budgets to having a conscious control of expenses, these are part of the habits that need improvement.This has...

    Costa Rica Opens New Doors for Trade Facilitation With Entry Into Force of the Kyoto Convention

    This week, the "International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (Amendment)," known as the "Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC)," came into effect in our country. It was approved at the beginning of September this year by the...
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