

    Costa Rica Tax Evasion Is Down

    San Jose - Tax evasion is down from 32% to 29% in 2010, but difficult to track sales in Costa RicaThe Costa Rican-annually, evade $2.4 million in taxes. This follows from the first study on tax avoidance by...

    Costa Rica Fuel Prices To Drop Within The Next Week

    San Jose - Because of falling international prices, the Regulatory Authority for Public Services (ARESEP) approved a decrease in fuel prices.The average price of unleaded gasoline in June was $123.98 per barrel, and Gas Plus was $ 116.50...

    Costa Rica and Canada Continue to Expand Relations

    San Jose - In June 2012, the Canadian Ministry of Trade and Costa Rica counterparts concluded fourth round of negotiations in an effort to update the Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement.The updated agreement is designed to modernize and...

    Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement –Good, Bad and the Ugly

    San Jose - Costa Rica is struggling with the private sectors onslaught since the opening of the markets with  Central American Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) or the TLC.Before the trade agreement the pace of Costa Rica development moved...

    China Investing Large in Latin America

    San Jose –China, one of the most active countries in the world in terms of building relationships in Costa Rica and Latin America investment, attended the China World Summit Wing this past week and spoke about its aspiration...

    Costa Rica $4 Billion Bond Plan to be Approved Within the Month

    Costa Rica - Vice President Luis Liberman said, he expects approval sell $4 billion in with the month, and to offer as much as $500 million by year’s end.With the terms of the bond proposal, the government will be...

    Costa Rica – Minimum Wage Raise

    Last week the National Association of Public and Private Employees (ANEP), working on behalf of several labor unions

    Costa Rican Companies among the Most Successful in Central America

    San Jose - Florida Ice & Farm Co, Café Britt, Intel and Dos Pinos are among the most successful companies in Central America, says the annual study “Leading Companies in Central America and the Dominican Republic” conducted Summa...

    Costa Rica or China Rica?

    San Jose - Latin America is the largest emerging market in the world and fastest growing economic bloc in the in the world. New partnerships, intraregional and international Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are happening at an ever expanding...

    Ernst & Young Rank Costa Rica in the Top 20 Attractive Economies for Investment

    Investing in Costa Rica is expected to continue to see growth as according to Ernst & Young culture, legitimate institutions and policies considered legitimate make Costa Rica as an attractive economy to attract investment. Costa Rica ranked 19 in...
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