

    Costa Rica´s Biodiversity Includes 5000 New Species

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)- Research for the updating of Costa Rica's National Biodiversity Strategy has detected 5,000 new species in the Central American country, officials said.The number of documented species grew from 87,000 in 2009 to around 92,000...

    Air pollution decreases in San Jose

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) -Costa Rica improved the quality of its urban air by controlling suspended particles to levels that are below the minimum accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, there are still high levels of...

    Costa Rica adds 5,000 New Species to National Biodiversity Strategy

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - Approximately 5,000 new species of flora and fauna were added to the natural wealth of Costa Rica in the last four years, updating National Biodiversity Strategy (NBS).In 2009 Costa Rica accounted for around...

    Latin America Has the Resources to Face Climate Change, but Lacks Implementation Capacity

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)- International resources to face the consequences of climate change have been distributed, but the countries have failed to take advantage of them.The lack of institutional implementation and coordination capacity in Latin American countries causes...

    Important Reforestation Project in Costa Rica´s Rain Forests

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – In Perez Zeledon, hundreds of citizens have planted 110,000 native trees as part of a project to protect watersheds and promote reforestation of rainforests.The project is called Sowing Water (“Sembrando Agua” in Spanish)...

    Costa Rica: The Only Country in the World that is Home to the Spider-Squirrel Monkey

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)-The Central Pacific area is home to one of the most exotic animals in Costa Rica: the gray crown spider-squirrel monkey. This species can only be found in Costa Rican territory.These monkeys are endangered because...

    1,056 Costa Rican Schools Get Recognition for Environment Protection

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - This month 1,056 schools across the country were recognized with the Blue Ecological Flag and 399 won an honorable mention for their preservation actions in favor of Environment Protection.The awards were granted by...

    Costa Rica Getting Rid of Zoo’s Favoring Natural Environmental Awareness

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - After almost 95 years the Costa Rica government decided to end the display of caged animals in zoos.Simon Bolivar Zoo was created by decree in 1919 and opened in the heart of the...

    Infinito Industries: The Most Important Law Suit Against Costa Rica

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - Gold mining Infinito Industries is ready to fight after their defeat in court.What began as an environmental dispute with an open pit gold mining operation, has led to a full ban on open-pit...

    Shark Fin Poaching Decreasing Shark Population in Costa Rica

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - The shark population is decreasing at an alarming rate due to "shark finning", which is illegal in Costa Rica, but widely practiced.Shark fins have been big business in Costa Rica for many years...
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