Between August 10th and 21st, vehicles that can circulate in a yellow alert canton will not be able to do so in the cantons with an orange alert (and vice versa).
For example, if your license plate ends in 1, the restriction indicates that in cantons with an orange alert, you can only travel on Monday and Sunday.
However, in the yellow cantons, that plate (the one finished in 1) also cannot do it those same days (Monday and Sunday).
This guarantees that people living in the stricter quarantine zones cannot travel in their vehicles to places with commercial opening, since the fine for not complying with the vehicle circulation restriction would be applied to them anyways.
These measures maintain the known exceptions, and are established, for example, for people who have to drive for assisting to essential jobs (the driver has to provide proof of this situation), also cargo vehicles, emergency vehicles, among others.
In the cantons with an orange alert, a strict commercial closure is applied, while in the yellow ones, this is not the case.
The fine for disrespecting the vehicle circulation restrictions is ¢ 110,000, in addition to the removal of the license plates.