The decree promised in 2012 regarding the ban on toxic fuels by the Ministry of Environment, Energy (MINAE) and the Ministry of Health “it does not matter” according to René Castro, Minister of Environment, because the Costa Rican Oil Refinery (RECOPE) “does not care”.
According to Castro, the fuel entering the country is contaminated with Methyl cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl additive (MMT), causing damage to both health, vehicles and the environment has generated a series of complaints.
Castro and representatives of the Regulatory Authority for Public Services (ARESEP), said the problem is that the country is governed on a fuel quality standard that is pretty lax Central America
The Environment Minister who had promised that by September 2012 a decree would be ready would be ready “in the coming days.”
The spokeswoman for the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (ARESEP), said they continue to conduct the necessary studies to fuels.
The fuels have about 500 different chemical components, and ARESEP is making revisions to ensure they are in line with the American standard.
Six months have passed since the announcement of the decree, however, it now appears that the regulation will not be issued.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica