As of August 1st, all the Permits for exceptions to the vehicle circulation restrictions must be updated and will be valid for two months from the date of issue. Once this period has elapsed, the permit must be renewed to guarantee its validity.
This permit may be presented in physical or digital form. In addition, it is remindedbeing mandatory to present the institutional or business proof letter, in addition to the exception permit.
In the case of independent workers, they must carry and present a physical or digital supporting document about their work or the activity carried out that justifies their mobilization in any of the time zones that are established as restricted.
The mobilization of people to different places increases the possibilities for transmission of COVID-19, and for this reason there is a vehicular restriction to mitigate the contagion.
List of exceptions to the differentiated vehicle circulation restriction:
1. Vehicles that transport merchandise or cargo. In the case of light-duty vehicles (CL), the nature of their activity must be demonstrated by means of the corresponding certificate or proof letter.
2. Public vehicles intended for the paid transport of people in any of its modalities (bus, bus, minibus, taxi, special stable service of taxi), the special service for workers and tourism, that have a public service plate, as well as cargo taxi authorized by the Public Transport Council that has the respective permit per day. All of the above will be subject to the special provisions established by the Public Transportation Council for the care of the health situation by COVID-19 on the occasion of this Executive Decree.
3. The person from the public or private sector, with working hours included or that coincides with the respective day of restriction and / or with the time slot established in article 4 and / or article 5, be it by income, departure or need to move during working hours, duly accredited. In the case of entering or leaving during the working day, the mobilization may be done in a private vehicle, private motorcycle or in any of the modalities set forth in subsection b) of this article, any of them duly demonstrated.
4. Vehicles that provide fuel supply service.
5. Vehicles that provide garbage collection service.
6. Vehicles that provide crane or platform service.
7. Vehicles of construction companies, for the exercise of their respective tasks.
8. Official vehicles, emergency care vehicles and vehicles of the different police forces for the exercise of their respective tasks.
9. Support personnel or maintenance of operations for assistance of public services, including ICE, AyA, INCOFER, Civil Aviation, CNFL, Post Office of CR, RECOPE, among other cases, duly identified.
10. Official vehicles of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, as well as of the National Road Council, for the exercise of their respective tasks.
11. Vehicles of the funeral service for the exclusive provision of said activity, duly demonstrated.
12. Provision of home services, duly accredited.
13. Provision of private security service or transportation of security personnel, including the respective support or technical assistance required by the service, duly accredited.
14. Private vehicles of the personnel for the emergency services, the Red Cross, the Fire Department of Costa Rica, the 9-1-1 Emergency System of Costa Rica, CNE, CCSS, Ministry of Health, international organizations, and those institutions that participate in the attention of the national state of emergency around COVID-19 or for the attention of an emergency, proper to their work, who must carry their respective uniforms or their institutional identification card.
15.The hierarchies of the Supreme Powers, for the exercise of their respective tasks, duly identified.
16. Vehicles belonging to the international missions, diplomatic corps and consular corps, for the exercise of their respective tasks, duly accredited.
17. The personnel of the Judiciary, with working hours included or that coincide with the respective day of restriction and / or with the time slot established in article 4 and / or article 5, duly identified.
18. Health services personnel for the fulfillment of their tasks, duly identified.
19. The personnel of the ports, airports and land border posts, as well as the entire logistics chain associated with these activities, duly identified.
20. Duly accredited personnel indispensable for the operations and providers of the telecommunications service.
21. The duly accredited personnel essential for the functioning of the press and media distributions.
22. Private vehicles that, due to an emergency related to health, requires a transfer to a health or pharmaceutical establishment. As well as on the occasion of a scheduled medical appointment or to assist in donating blood to the National Blood Bank or the respective hospital, in both cases with due proof of the scheduled appointment.
23. Vehicles of people with religious tasks and the collaborators that are strictly necessary for the virtual transmission of religious activities or for the care of a religious act due to the death of a person, duly accredited.
24. Vehicles driven or transporting people with disabilities, when such vehicles are duly authorized.
25. The vehicles of people who must be moved strictly to provide medical support or care for people in a terminal state, seriously ill or assisting people with disabilities or the elderly.
26. The vehicles of the people who must move strictly to attend the Vehicle Technical Review appointment, duly accredited with the proof of the scheduled appointment.
27. The vehicles of the people who require to move strictly on the occasion of a reservation to the hotels, cabins or accommodation establishments authorized by the Ministry of Health, either for entry or exit, duly accredited with the corresponding reservation voucher.
28. The vehicles of people who need to move strictly on the occasion of conducting the test drive, duly accredited with the proof of registration issued by the appointment system of the General Directorate of Road Education.
29. The rental vehicles – “rent a car” -, with the proper receipt, as well as the vehicles that provide assistance on the occasion of said service.
30. The vehicles of people who strictly require a transfer to Juan Santamaría International Airport to leave the country or to pick up a person who enters the national territory under the flights authorized for this purpose, duly accredited with the personal flight ticket or the corresponding person to be picked up.
31. The vehicles of people who strictly require to go to public, private or mixed child care supervised by the Council for Comprehensive Care or the Ministry of Public Education, in order to drop off or pick up a minor, with the proper proof letter.