The Ministry of Health is considering banning the import of electronic cigarettes, which are an alternative for those who want to continue smoking without inhaling harmful substances and avoid the smoke nuisance to people who are around.
The Ministry of Health, considered that the ban is necessary because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for its acronym in English) found that in this type of cigarettes also have cancer-causing substances.
Since the smoking ban was passed, many companies have promoted the use of the electronic cigarette to encourage people to stop smoking. But the Minister of Health said that electronic cigarettes are good for not only quitting but can be harmful to health.
A spokes person from the ministry said that they are assessing the possibilities of not allowing these imports into the country.
According to the FDA, when a person inhales, the device ejects nicotine and contains toxic ingredients and chemicals hazardous to health as ethylene glycol, used in antifreeze for vehicles.
The Ministry of Health, said they are conducting a series of studies to analyze and make assessments to implement the necessary controls.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica