Some babies have a hard time adjusting to routines like cutting their hair or bathing. For this reason, the attitude of trust is essential, tranquility, and support that parents give so they do not acquire fear during each of these simple acts throughout their development.
And even more so when going to the pediatrician. Children’s visits to the pediatrician are necessary and convenient from the first days of life.
These will become a usual and maybe (initially) unpleasant activity for the infant, due to the body manipulations, vaccinations and uncomfortable maneuvers that the doctor will perform to check their health. However, visiting the pediatrician should not become a traumatic experience for the infant.
Threatening them with the pediatrician is not correct.
It is inappropriate to threaten the child with a visit to the pediatrician to get him to take a few more tablespoons of food or to take a bath.
The anguish that these strong words generate in the little ones, far from bringing positive reactions in his behavior, it will disorient him and may cause insecurities.
Fundamental recommendations.

There are a series of elements that must be taken into account when choosing the pediatrician to watch over your child’s health.
In the first place, care must be taken that the consultation is not too far from home.
Choose a doctor with whom you can establish a fluid and close relationship, enough to ask with confidence the things that worry you the most. Consult with family and friends whose children are been seen by a specific doctor.
And it is important to ask if the chosen specialist makes home visits or telephone consultations, sometimes this is enough to solve a problem.
Try to keep the same pediatrician over the years since children get used to their doctor and that ends up being beneficial for them.
Practice patience, pediatricians argue that bringing children to the consultation is as important as feeding, dressing, and educating them. Pediatricians claim that after parents, the child’s first best friend should be his pediatrician.
The first visit to the doctor is the most important.
The first time that the doctor examines the child is when the parents must provide more data. It is convenient on this occasion to take the child`s health registry if you have one, or all the previous information that you retain about the evolution of the pregnancy such as type of delivery, current diet, age of introduction of new food types and their acceptance, weight and height control, behavior habits of sleep, tantrums, nightmares and if there is enuresis (bedwetting), schedule of vaccines received and their reactions. Diseases suffered and dates of these known and suspected allergies.
During post-first health check-ups, update all the new health information and it is advisable to keep a list of all the questions you might have for the doctor.
Take your baby to the pediatrician frequently so that he grows up strong and healthy.