The United States Embassy in Costa Rica advanced to 2022 the appointments of 30 thousand visa applicants that were scheduled for 2023 and 2024. “Applicants will receive emails in the next few days with the notification of the new date of the appointment.
The in-person interviews for these applicants will resume as of January 10th, 2022. It should be noted that the Consular Section of the embassy is still working with limited capacity due to the pandemic,” the embassy reported in a statement.
Applicants who have an interview scheduled for 2023 or 2024 will need to verify their email and then log into the website to verify the updated date and time of the appointment, the embassy explained.
Appointments rescheduled

“As the demand for interview appointments continues to be high, applicants who have their appointment rescheduled should make every effort to show up on the indicated date. If an applicant is unable to keep the appointment on the new assigned date and time, they should reschedule it on the next available date,” the embassy explained.
Visa applicants who have already scheduled interviews for 2022 will keep the same appointment date and will not be able to change their appointments to an earlier date. Likewise, those seeking to renew their expired visa may use the Drop Box service as long as it has expired in the last 48 months.
“The Consular Section of the United States Embassy is committed to safely and efficiently rescheduling the entire range of non-immigrant visas, including tourist and business travel visas, and it will be done in a manner consistent with science and public health,” added the embassy. Applicants who report to the appointment must wear a face mask at all times.