A virtual Christmas fair will create a space of sustainable holiday shopping for the family, without leaving home, being able to acquire, in addition to products, information on how to become more conscious consumers. This is the first “50stenible virtual fair”, which will take place from December 10 to 12, through the website: feria50sostenible.com.
“We wanted to take advantage of the current technological facilities, the connection possibilities that we have and, through technology that brings us closer and facilitates decision-making, provide information to encourage triple-utility businesses, that is, that consider social, environmental and economic variables”, explained Karla Chaves, one of the main organizers of the fair.
Registration opened
Interested people will be able to register for this event for free and have the opportunity to contact company representatives to hold online meetings, schedule appointments, and chat, which represents a unique experience of its kind so that the “responsible consumer” can solve in detail the queries related to a possible purchase.
Fair has a strong component of education for sustainability
The “Sustainable 50 Fair” has become a substitute for the traditional Christmas fairs, in a Pandemic context in which it is not feasible to gather a high volume of people in the same physical place. This initiative has a strong component of education for sustainability.
Along the same lines, the fair has been concerned with having a select group of sponsors such as the International Cooperation Agency GIZ, the United Nations Program UNDP of Costa Rica, and Fundecooperación, to generate content capable of exposing the population about what is happening in the country in terms of sustainability and what opportunities people have to participate from their own life experience.
The kiosks will be grouped into three virtual corridors: Education, Volunteering Program, Sustainable Products, and Waste Recovery Services.
Additionally, the participants of the fair will have the opportunity to participate in raffles with attractive prizes as inputs for the development of their home garden, compost bins, and high-quality bee products.