The United Nations is marking its 75th anniversary in 2020 at a time of great disruption due to the COVID19 Pandemic and the ensuing severe social and economic impacts upset markets, livelihoods, and the wellbeing of millions. The year also coincides with the launch of the Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and protect countries’ hard-won development achievements.
Amidst global efforts to seek actions and solutions, women, particularly woman entrepreneurs, play a vital role in both tackling the Pandemic and helping achieve the SDGs.
The World Bank, in partnership with UNDP, UN Women, and the Wharton School Zicklin Center, will hold a virtual award event on September 30th, 2020, within the context of the 75th session of the UNGA, to recognize seven women entrepreneurs.
These inspirational women were selected from a pool of 2,400 applicants from around the world that competed in the 2020 SDGs and Her competition. This year’s winners are using their entrepreneurial skills to not only support the SDGs through their business leadership but also to fight back and thrive despite the health crisis.
The 2020 SDGs and Her Winners are:
1. Annisa Hasanah Arsyad, founder of educational board games, Eco fun Indonesia – fromEast Asia and the Pacific. Her firm tries to close the digital divide in education and leading the way for women in the gaming industry in Indonesia.
2. Bassma Ali, founder of G-Gateway in West Bank and Gaza – from the Middle East and North Africa region. Ali’s company brings employment to women in Gaza and supports their careers in technology.
3. Funmi Adewara, founder of MobiHealth International in Nigeria – from West and Central Africa. Her firm provides a one-stop digital platform linking thousands of patients with excellent healthcare.
4. Kayumba Chiwele, founder of PsycHealth Zambia – from East and Southern Africa region. Chiwele’s company is championing mental healthcare support during the pandemic.
5. Maliha Khalid, founder of Doctory in Pakistan – from South Asia region. Khalid’s firm connects patients directly with the right doctor, saving time and money.
6. Marysela Zamora, founder of Nosotras Women Connecting in Costa Rica- from Latin America and the Caribbean and North America. Her firm provides women with new digital training and equipping them to thrive in their businesses.
7. Melina Taprantzi, founder of Wise Greece – from Europe and Central Asia region. Her company supports sustainable food systems during the COVID-19 Pandemic.