Despite complaints of damages to vehicles and the damage it causes to people’s health and the environment, the Costa Rican Oil Refinery (RECOPE) will release fuel with the additive MMT.
According to the latest report from the Center of Electrochemistry and Energy Chemistry, University of Costa Rica (CELEQ) RECOPE still has fuel to distribute with MMT. This amount of MMT exceeds the limits of 18 milligrams per liter of MMT, internationally established in countries where it is permitted. In some supplies of RECOPE, MMT level was detected by the CELEQ exceeding 42 milligrams per liter.
The plants of Barranca, La Garita, El Alto and Moin have fuel with the additive at different levels, as super or regular gasoline.
The official study CELEQ sent the Regulatory Authority for Public Services (ARESEP) indicated ongoing concerns. CELEQ director, Carlos Leon, said manganese levels detected in the samples to date are very similar to the previous ones and that it will take more time.
The director of the School of Chemical Engineers, Jose Navarro, said they arewatching the current levels, and it is clear that the problem still persists.”Gasoline from July should already be spent. RECOPE really must show that gasoline is less than 12 milligrams per liter, “he said.
The Ministry of Health has the authority to act on its own to stop selling gasoline already in plants if it is found to cause health problems. The decree was to prevent the importation of fuel with the additive; meantime RECOPE is looking how to reconcile with those affected by the ARESEP.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica