The Government, together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), launched the project: “Huella del Futuro” (Footprint of the Future), which aims to plant 200,000 trees in the North Zone of the country, in eleven months.
According to the Vice President of the Republic, Epsy Campbell, to achieve the objective, it is planned to plant 65,000 fruit and flower trees that will be located on public roads in the coming months and provide maintenance for five years; 120,000 timber species to be planted in agroforestry and silvopastoral systems, and 15,000 species in secondary forests.
Data from the National Forest Financing Fund (FONAFIFO), indicate that this project will generate approximately 200 direct jobs, 700 indirect beneficiaries, and a significant amount of green wages.
Aimed to support the most vulnerable
“The project and its financing mechanisms are aimed at small producers, organized groups of women and young people and others, who represent the most vulnerable to the direct effects of climate change, given their economic limitation and location in fragile and highly marginal areas”, explained the Minister of Environment and Energy, Andrea Meza.
The initiative has received financial support from the UNDP, which has invested the US $ 45,000, and the Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ), the European Union (EU), and the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD), which have contributed the US $ 724,580.