
    An Overview of the Costa Rican Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

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    German Carias
    I approach life as a continuous stream of opportunities for growth and learning through human interactions and personal exploration. In my quest for sharing a positive, dynamic, and nuanced perspective on world affairs, I became involved as an author for TCRN.In 2012 I was selected by Shell Oil as one of the top 25 global energy entrepreneurs.Involved in Blockchain Technology and Digital Currency since 2016.Passionate about transforming people’s lives through community CoLiving and CoWorking.

    When you think about Costa Rica first things that come to mind could be something like nice weather, beaches, people having good times and of course vacations. But when it comes to business and thinking about entrepreneurship we can find a very good ecosystem in Costa Rica.

    This country has developed good infrastructure and Network where all the people who are involved in entrepreneurship help each other, so we can find people who are able to invest in startups, people who are teaching and giving to the entrepreneur’s skills to develop their companies.

    According to a study made by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) in 2014, the entrepreneur activity in this country have decreased in about a 35% from 2012 to 2014, but the positive side is that most of the new companies are found in order to take an advantage of a business opportunity, instead of just for necessity.

    Which organizations and give you a financial help to your entrepreneurship in Costa Rica

    In Costa Rica you can find some organizations that can help your entrepreneurship and these organizations work on different stages. For example, if you only have an idea of business you can go to Arias & Muñoz, Fundación Avina or Banco Centro Americano de Integración Económica.

    Or if you are in startup stage the organizations that can help you are: Agencia Universitaria para la Gestión de Emprendimiento, Carao Ventures, El Niño y la Bola, just to name a few.

    If your business is in a stage of expansion, growing o consolidation, there are some organization that give you a hand, for example: BAC Credomatic Costa Rica, EcoEntreprises Fund, Root Capital, Habitat for Humanity, VIVA, Centro de Gestión Tecnológica Industrial.

    And there are some others that we didn’t mention here but are so helpful too.

    But ¿what about the development of the skills need it to get an entrepreneurship idea to a good port?

    Costa Rican Institutions and organization that helps entrepreneurs

    Costa Rica has a good number of institutions that can help you to get those skills, and like the financial institutions some are good for the early stages and other works better on the final stages.

    In the early stages (idea, startup, early stage) you can find institutions such as: Costa Rica Open Future, FUNDES, INCAE business School, Parque Libertad, POOM, YO Emprendedor, SEED or Red Latinoamericana de Universidades por el Empredurismo Social.

    If your idea is more developed, some of the organization that can be helpful for you are: Asociación Empresarial para el Desarrollo, Centro de Gestión Tecnológica Industrial, FUNDES,WEconnect International en Costa Rica and SEED.

    As you can see there are very good number of institutions and organizations ready to give a hand to the entrepreneurs in Costa Rica, so if you have an idea of business and like to go to a place where life is nice and also have a good chance to develop your idea don’t hesitate and come to Costa Rica.

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