The Costa Rican Humanistic College Campus Nicoya, Guanacaste, a public educational institution that emerged in 2017 by a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Public Education and the National University, is accredited for the third time as a Student Training Institution of the Digital Age and of Creative Thought from the University of Valladolid, Spain.
It is the only educational center that has obtained this recognition three times in a row in Costa Rica, which is a milestone worthy of recognition, according to the officials who gave the award during the official ceremony that took place at the headquarters of the National University (UNA ) from Nicoya.
The formation of students for the Digital Age and the Formation of Creative Thinking are imperatives of the competent learner of the XXI Century
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), both competencies are key in the student’s profile and contribute to improving their learning, their academic performance, and their ability to research and move around that sixth continent known as the Internet.
In this case, the Costa Rican Humanistic College Campus Nicoya was able to qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate these improvements through the Progrentis mind gym, which measures the Digital Productivity Index (IPD), which is recognized by the University of Valladolid as an indicator that shows the results of improvement in superior thinking skills and digital competence.
Thus, each time a student completes an exercise or test, the IPD is recalculated based on reading fluency, comprehension, text readability, and word count. A higher IPD means that the student reads more complex texts with greater fluency and understanding. This implies a superior capacity in the use of digital information and is essential when the indicators for Costa Rica in the latest PISA report show that the country is 50% below the internationally expected metrics in reading comprehension.
A source of pride
Luis Carlos Zúñiga, Director of the Costa Rican Humanistic College Nicoya Campus, highlights that this accreditation is a source of pride, especially since it is received by a public institution in the Chorotega Region, one of the areas with the greatest social backwardness according to national indicators. “It places the Chorotega Region on an international level and shows the quality of the educational system of Costa Rican humanistic educational centers,” says Zúñiga.
For her part, Andrea Vega, Regional Director of Corporate Relations of Grupo Mentora-Progrentis, who was in charge of delivering the award, highlights that it is a great honor that a public school outside of the Greater Metropolitan Area receives this important accreditation on three occasions . “It speaks to what discipline and continuity in brain gymnastics can achieve. This places Humanistic students at the height of what 21st century employers are looking for”, she adds.
Currently, the Colegio Humanístico Costarricense Campus Nicoya has 56 students. It is characterized by a humanistic training and a high quality pre-university educational model.