
    New Year, Same Old You: How to Start 2015 Off Right

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    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – We can all expect a post-Christmas slump. Excessive over-indulgence, days filled with nothingness and cheesy Christmas music, all slowly ebb away and to-do lists, emails and complaints seem to fill your days. As the New Year rolls in and Christmas packs itself back into its ever-expanding space in the loft, things return to normal and suddenly seemingly endless days spent with irritating in-laws and overly-chatty children doesn’t sound like a bad thing.

    There’s nothing that rejects the phrase “New Year, New You” quite like your first week back at work. And, as the weeks turn into months, things only seem to get more and more chaotic. Until then, there are a few things that you can do to bring back that smile and prepare for a bright and prosperous 2015.

    Anti-war activist and leader of the Indian Independence Movement, Mahatma Ghandi, said that “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” His words are not only special during the Christmas period but they serve as excellent guidance for us all year round. One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to give something back to someone else. Helping others not only increases your overall happiness but also contributes to your mental well-being through increased social interaction, improved motivation and sense of self-worth and there are plenty of causes in Costa Rica that need your help. Offer a helping hand to an elderly or struggling neighbor, sponsor a child orphaned in Costa Rica or sign up and get sponsored to run the ‘Coastal Challenge’ happening in San Jose on 31st January. In whatever way you can, do you best to give something back.

    Whilst providing for others is a great way of improving emotional well-being, it’s also important to save time for yourself. Write down a list of things that you love to do and set time aside every day or week to do them. It could be taking a guided walk in Curi-Cancha reserve in Monteverde with friends, taking a leisurely dip in the hot springs of Rio Negro in Rincon de la Vieja, or simply relaxing at home with a tub of ice cream! Whatever takes your fancy, make sure you do it this January.

    But, though you might quite like the idea of getting away from the pressures of work, it also pays to make a plan. Knowing what you want to achieve and how you’re going to get it is a fantastic way to get you motivated for the year ahead and aid the transition from the declining Christmas lull into the proactive 2015. Take time to plan your finances, write down where you want to be month-by-month and start saving. Knowing that you’ve covered your bases will leave you feeling secure and settled, preventing any unnecessary stress in those hectic times ahead.

    But remember, whether you already know what you want to do with your year, or not, making sure that you begin with a smile is a good way to start!   
    By Laura Ash

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)

    San Jose, Costa Rica

    Looking to start the New Year off in Costa Rica? Contact us for information on Costa Rica Real Estate, travel, or enjoying the ‘Pura Vida’ life!

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