The creation of a new Costa Rica tourism chamber aims to strengthen, promote and encourage sustainable tourism in the Lake Arenal Tenorio Corridor. This initiative is called (CATUARTE).
The former chamber of tourism in the region, funding was not managed nor the protection of Costa Rica’s natural resources.
Therefore, this initiative aims to unify standards of quality, to preserve natural resources and ensure the welfare of their members.
German Aguilar, Regional Liaison Program Biological Corridor Arenal Conservation Area Tempisque said about this corridor that is “a connectivity strategy for the movement and development of plant and animal species of interest, covering more than fourteen life zones, or different types of ecosystem. “
The Coordinator of the National Biological Corridors National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), said that “with such initiatives is encouraged environmentally friendly development through responsible tourism, but also associated sustainable production, working with ASADAS and water resource management in general, cultural and environmental education, among others, which undoubtedly will promote and facilitate sector coordination and development of various initiatives. “
Approximately 80 businesses are involved to provide services to visitors, inviting people to visit the place for outstanding cultural, infrastructure and various activities.
The Costa Rica News
San Jose Costa Rica