Network marketing, known as direct sales, network marketing or multilevel, is the one to which companies that offer their products or services directly to the consumer are engaged through distributors or independent entrepreneurs, avoiding mass advertising and eliminating the intermediaries chain of a traditional distribution system.
A business model with many advantages

Network marketing is a business model that among the advantages for those who undertake it is that it has a very low start-up cost with a great income potential. Some of the best known globally are Amway, Herbalife, Tupperware, and Avon. These four companies, in 2019, registered more than US $ 20,000 million in sales.
In Costa Rica, some of these companies are associated with ACEVED, the Costa Rican Association of Direct Selling Companies. The 20 partners are: 4Life, Amway, Arabella, Tupperware, Avon, doTerra, Styles, Fuxion, Just, Herbalife, Ganoitouch, Jeunesse, L’Bel, Leonisa, Nice, Nikken, Omnilife, Oriflame, RenaWare and Young Living.
In addition, there are many others that offer the opportunity to generate business in the country, such as Max International, Zrii and iBuumerang. The latter is entering Costa Rica with a travel savings platform, an online stock market academy, and its Zence products.