The Ministry of Health, Daniel Salas today emphasized the care that must be taken when carrying out certain activities in closed spaces where people converge, taking into account that an opening period begins next Wednesday, September 9th.
Salas detailed the care that should be taken in public transport, offices, gyms, food establishments such as sodas, restaurants, and cafes, in cinemas and theaters, as well as in stores and supermarkets.
The general call is always to:
• Do not go to public places if you have respiratory symptoms.
•Constant hand washing (before touching our faces and when we arrive somewhere).
• Correct use of the mask.
• Social distancing.
• Do not break social bubbles.
However, Salas took the opportunity to make specific recommendations for specific sites:
Public transport
• Avoid touching surfaces, both at the bus stop and inside the units.
• Bring the full amount of the ticket to avoid receiving change.
• Use alcohol gel for disinfection after touching money or when handling any surface.
• Keep bus windows open.
• Try not to talk on buses.

• Clean the contact surfaces before starting work, this can be done with a 70% alcohol solution.
• If possible, have natural ventilation, opening all possible windows.
• Have an alcohol gel dispenser and use it frequently, this gel must have a concentration of at least 60% alcohol.
• Establish shifts to attend the cafeteria, avoiding crowds, and ensuring that you are not in front of other people.
• Do not attend the cubicles of other colleagues.
• The use of special masks is recommended for physical activities.
• Make sure the machine has been cleaned before it is used by another person.
• Do not use the cloth used to dry sweat to clean or handle machines.
Food establishments (sodas, restaurants, and coffee shops)
• Make sure that tables and surfaces are cleaned before use.
• Respect the arrangement of furniture established by the premises to ensure distance.
• When removing the mask to eat, store it in a clean bag to prevent it from coming into contact with other surfaces.
• Avoid handling commonly used objects such as sauce dispensers, salt, pepper, and others.
• Do not share food with your companions.
• Prefer electronic means of payment to avoid handling cash.
• Try not to speak while eating food.
Cinemas and theaters
• Prefer to purchase tickets online or by phone to avoid interactions and crowds at the box office.
• When removing the mask for popcorn, store it in a clean bag to prevent it from coming into contact with other surfaces.
Stores and supermarkets
• Plan purchases in advance, to reduce the time spent in the establishment.
• One individual per family for making the purchases.
• Avoid going during crowded hours.
• Bring your bags for shopping.
• Touch only the items you are going to buy.
• Prefer electronic means of payment to avoid handling cash. If using cash, wash your hands after or apply 60% alcohol gel.
• Apply the disinfectant solution on the handle of grocery carts and baskets.
The Minister concluded encouraging people to take care of themselves and at the same time to supervise, as clients and collaborators, comply with the protocols within the establishments and in case of observing faults, observe the establishment staff, in case the premises show disinterest in abiding by signaling or repeating non-compliance, it is prudent to make a complaint to 1-3-2-2.